DMV10: preprocessed discrete Moser-Veselov algorithm for the full dynamics of a rigid body

This code is described in: E. Hairer and G. Vilmart, Preprocessed discrete Moser-Veselov algorithm for the full dynamics of a rigid body, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 39 (2006) 13225-13235. Content: - dmv10.f Fortran subroutine for the modification of order 10 of the DMV algorithm (subroutines for the versions of orders 2,4,6,8 are included). - dr_dmv10.f driver for DMV10 (asymmetric rigid body). - dmv10out.txt Output example. Version: August 29, 2006 (latest correction of a small bug: December 28, 2007)

    Organizational unit
    Vilmart Group - Math
    MIT License
    Rigid body, Preprocessed vector field integrator, Geometric numerical integration, Discrete Moser-Veselov algorithm
Publication date27/01/2023
Retention date24/01/2033
accessLevelPublicAccess levelPublic
duaNoneContract on the use of data
  • Hairer, Ernst
  • Vilmart, Gilles orcid
  • Quality (0 Reviews)
  • Usefulness (0 Reviews)

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