DLCM Poster for iPRES 2019
A versatile solution for Long-Term Preservation of Research Data Data Life-Cycle Management: The Swiss Way Developed in the context of the 2017-2020 Swiss national programme "Scientific information: Access, processing and safeguarding", the DLCM solution (dlcm.ch) consists of an open and modular architecture for long-term preservation of research data. Backed by multiple Swiss data centers, this solution, compliant with the OAIS standard, allows researchers to safely manage, publish and archive their data. Users have the possibility to either ingest data directly from their working environments through APIs or to deposit them manually through a user-friendly portal. A multilingual National coordination desk offering tailored support, consulting and training to the academic community through a network of experts is another main outcome of this project, which contributes to the success of the approach. iPRES 2019, Amsterdam
- Organizational unit
- Type
- Dataset
- License
- Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
- Cazeaux, Hugues
- Burgi, Pierre-Yves
- Echernier, Lydie
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