
TestBeam Data April 2023 CERN PS

Data taken at test particle beams at CERN PS in April 2023. Description of the particle beam type and momentum, and of the detector configuration for each data acuisition run is given in the file LOGBOOK/LogBook PAN 202304 - PAN.csv Description of the Silicon Tracker Strips VATA setting is given in the file LOGBOOK/LogBook PAN 202304 - VATA settings.csv DATA taken by the Tracker Strips, Pixels, and TOF are stored in the directories Strips, Pixels, and TOF respectively. Pixels and Tracker Strips data have been acquired synchronously. The corresponding data are organized in sub-directories named after the date and time at which the data were acquired and corresponding to the list given in LOGBOOK/LogBook PAN 202304 - PAN.csv. Inside each sub-directory the filename indicates the detector board id, data type ( trigger , calibration or beam data) and the settings, the date, and time of acquisition. Inside each file the header lists the variables stored, and for the Pixels it also describes the detector setting (temperatures, voltages, etc.). The TOF data have been taken asynchronously. The corresponding data are organized in sub-directories named after the date at which the data were acquired. Inside each sub-directory the filename indicates the detector board id, data type ( trigger , calibration or beam data) and the settings, the date, and time of acquisition.

    Organizational unit
    Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International
    Funding agencies
    [H2020] Horizon 2020
    Atroparticle physics, cosmic radiation detector, magnetic spectrometer, space radiation, penetrating particle analyzer, PAN, Mini.PAN
Publication date22/01/2024
Retention date19/01/2034
accessLevelPublicAccess levelPublic
licenseContract on the use of data
  • Wu, Xin orcid
  • Azzarello, Philipp
  • Paniccia, Mercedes orcid
  • Sukhonos, Daniil
  • Iizawa, Tomoya
  • Xie, Pengwei
  • Hulsman, Johannes orcid
  • Kole, Merlin
  • Cadoux, Franck
  • Nicola, Laurent
  • Favre, Yannick
  • Lamarra, Daniel
  • Stauffer, Jerome
  • Stil, Adrien
  • Ambrosi, Giovanni
  • Bertucci, Bruna
  • Ionica, Maria
  • Duranti, Matteo
  • Graziani, Maura
  • Tomassetti, Nicola
  • Mussolin, Lorenzo
  • Caprai, Mirco
  • Cosso, Fabio
  • Barbanera, Mattia
  • Mancini, Edoardo
  • Bergmann, Benedikt
  • Burian, Petr
  • Malich, Milan
  • Manek, Petr
  • Gohl, Stefan
  • Pospisil, Stefan
  • Smolyanskiy, Petr
  • Jelinek, Jindra
  • Quality (0 Reviews)
  • Usefulness (0 Reviews)

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